Month: January 2021

The art of Chinese plates or the precarious balance of activity and commercial relationship

The art of Chinese plates or the precarious balance of activity and commercial relationship Assiète chinoise

Introduction For more than 30 years now, as prospector and business relations professionals, the analogy with “Chinese plates” has regularly imposed itself on us.Indeed, we measure and know the energy required to launch a prospecting campaign, to create solid and fluid professional links, encouraged by exchange and trust….., all these “little” things that build a […]

Innovative concept of virtual antennas

Innovative concept of virtual antennas Fractus antenna

Our partner Fractus Antennas offers a new approach to design products with radio communication, Virtual Antennas. It is an SMT component that reduces manufacturing and testing costs.  Fractus Antennas provides free of charge, within 24 hours, the definition, and component placement for the matching network based on your radio specifications.

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